Establishing Terms, and Introducing Characteristics

Establishing Terms

نحت مصطلحاً هو a term was coined/ derived (which) is

وهي كلمة منحوتة من and it is a word derived from... 
Note: This structure is useful in explaining a word such as, "العسكردينية" derived from "عسكرة الدين" and should be accompanied by a brief definition. 

Known as

المسمي ب the so-called

الذي يسمي ب which is known as (preceded by a definite noun)

تحت مسمي  under the name of

المعروف باسم commonly known as

المعروف أيضاً باسم also known as

ما اصطلح على تسميته which has been termed

أو ما يُعرف اختصاراً ب or what is known by the acronym

Characterized by

اتسم ب characterized by

تميّز ب distinguished by

يتصف ب described by