Cautious Approach
لا أوافق على ذلك I do not agree with that.
لم أعد هذا I won't second that
البعض يعتقد أنّ... ولكن لا أوافق هذا الرأي Some believe that... but I do not agree with this view...
لا يصدر عن شخص مطلع على these words don't come from someone knowledgeable about
فهذا صحيح من بعض الوجوه ولكن this is true in some respects but
لو سلمنا بهذا الرأي... فإن ذلك سوف If we accept this view... than this will... This statement is good if you want to lead into a longer analytical statement.
عندي ألف تحفظ وتحفظ على I have 1001 reservations about
أحسب ألف حساب ل I have 1000 apprehensions concerning
نعيش في واد ويعيشون في واد We live in one wadi and they live in the other. We are poles apart. Let's agree to disagree.
لا يكاد يكون لها علاقة ب there is hardly a relationship with...
Critical Approach
لا علاقة له ب there is no relationship with
هذا حق يراد به باطل this is a truth used to cover lies
لا أساس لها من الصحة has no basis in truth, baseless
لا يستند إلى أساس عملي ومنطقي is not based on the practical or logical foundation
بعيد كل البعد عن a far cry from
لا شيء أبعد عن الحقيقة من ذلك nothing is further from the truth than that
لا توجد ذرة من حقيقة في there is not a grain of truth in
أسمع جعجعة ولا أرى طحنا Much ado about nothing (lit: I hear the grinding of millstones yet I see no flour). This expression is a good way of highlighting the insignificance of a perceived problem.
Combative Approach
هيهات أن preposterous
ما هذه الترهات What is this nonsense? What is this B.S.?
كلام فارغ bunk, nonsense
كلام مجتر ridiculous talk
كلام مرسل empty rhetoric
كلام مبتذل trite, stupid talk
الخطاب الطفولي childish discourse
لا تستبق الأحداث don't jump to conclusions!
لا يعرف الكوع من البوع he is clueless. Literally, he does not know his elbow from the bend in the road.
مثل الأطرش في الزفة Like a deaf man at a wedding. Used to describe someone who doesn't know anything.
حبل الكذب قصير The rope of lies is short.
أكذب من مسيلمة A bigger liar than Masaylmah. A really big liar, the saying is in reference to a false prophet during the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Not in common usage but it is understood. I have read it a few times in relation to corrupt political regimes.
الكذب داء والصدق دواء Lying is a disease and truth is the cure.
يأكل على كل الموائد He eats from every table. He is a major hypocrite.
This is so useful, so glad I found this website!